Upcoming Horror Movies: All the Scary Movies Coming in 2022 and Beyond

Upcoming Horror Movies: All the Scary Movies Coming in 2022 and Beyond

Attention horror fans, we are currently experiencing a terrifying but exciting revival of the genre. Supernatural ghost stories, fake blood, gore and jump scares are welcome all year round and thankfully there are plenty of cool horror movies headed our way over the next few years. Whether it’s the return of popular franchises like Scream…

Best amazon prime movies

Best amazon prime movies

Amazon Prime is a treasure trove of some of the most esoteric, surprising and under-the-radar cinema of the past 80 years, although good nitpickers may find it almost impossible to get rid of the sometimes overwhelming glut of weird horror titles buried in Prime’s netherlands. are And that’s not to mention inconsistent, migraine-inducing browsing, or…

Best erotic film

Best erotic film

25 Sexy Thrillers You Can Stream Right Now Turn on the TV and close the blinds. We all feel it, that void in our souls where an erotic thriller should be. A subgenre that wasn’t necessarily invented but flew closest to the sun in the 1990s is in many ways the great unifying cinematic experience….